Words from Founder



The Beginning

We started Coala with a very simple concept, a concept that is so well known but so little has been done. A child’s mind is the purest and most precious thing on earth; I often ask myself by looking at the mirror, who I’d be if I follow my childhood dream.

(My childhood ambition was to become a national footballer, what were yours?). Let’s take some time to think about it…

Now, what makes Coala an interesting company is, we try our best to provide the best tool for children to explore their “ambitions”. #coaladiscovers


What has changed ?

As I grew older, my ambition and future goals started to shift, from Pilot, to Doctor, then finally Civil Engineer. Reality takes its place while we age, the society implants the perception of one’s future can only be bright with a professional career. It was then, parents starting to impose the so-called “profession dream” onto children’s paths regardless of their interests.

Of course, I was one of the MiIlennials too. But the lucky thing is I was able to find my own interest in my profession as a Civil Engineer. I am pleased and grateful for my parents’ actions for supporting all my decisions. (Including my decision to venture into business.)

So what makes me change my mind to depart from my profession? Responsibility.

Ever since I was a child, my father taught and trained me to have responsibility in all the things I do. The consequences of my actions are bore by myself alone. As my sense of responsibility grew stronger, my will for establishing something of my own developed.

I want to build my own achievements. Something that I can share and influence not only to the people around me, but further. And most importantly, something that I can be proud of when I look back at the age of 80.

All of these lead to, now Coala.

Thank you.